Sunday, July 26, 2015

Sunday (Not So) Fun day

I didn't really think that college was stressful... until today. Instead of going to the beach like we planned we decided to get some sleep and work on our homework and Action Plan. I woke up with the weight of my unfinished assignments on my shoulders. I had to do a reflection on the He for She movement that is happening right now.

I didn't go to breakfast but I went to lunch and got a hamburger and fries. After we all went with Mahi to get Bear bucks for laundry then came back to the dorms. We sat at the lounge and worked. I couldn't concentrate at all so I sat down and thought about everything that is happening. I am really worried about my Action Plan because I haven't found anything that really interests  me in a more deep level. I will figure it out!
The Ratty
After not being motivated Gabi showed us some very interesting games that woke us up. I actually typed my whole He For She paper which I couldn't even write a sentence before we went outside. I decided to write my reflection on Carlos Andres Gomez, a poet who performed a poem talking about the struggles of women.

Then it was time for dinner. We went to the Ratty and ate. I got a burger and some cake. Mahi later led us to the building where our floor meeting were going to be held in. Everyone else came and and we had many speakers come in and talk about things they did related to Actions Plans. They all seemed so casual about it when they were pushing for bills to be passed and making sure the world had access to health care.
Our floor mates
I want to do something that helps people with my Action Plan. I don't know exactly what yet but I will soon.

I  met up with Komal to get detergent to do laundry. I even went to her dorm and met her roommate who was really nice. She then walked me half way to the shuttle stop. One of these days she will come to visit us at Perkins.

To sum up today, it was a very stressful day without much productivity in my opinion. I have to step up and do more thinking about my Action Plan. I'm sure I will find something that motivates me to make a change in my community.

1 comment:

  1. I just sent all of the W&L ladies an email suggesting that they be realistic about what they might be able to accomplish with their Action Plans. Don't overreach by making your AP about bringing clean water to Africa, empowering women in India or educating all of the immigrants in the US. As a high school junior/senior you have limited resources and capabilities so my advice is to come up with an AP that you might be able to make happen and that will be sustainable after you depart for college.
