My day started with cool currents of air flowing through a warm morning. With this unusual change of weather, I suspected it might rain. After making weather predictions, I entered the Bio Medical Center.
After searching in a maize of halls, I found my class laboratory. A few students, with lab coats, were already seated. Ms. Hall instructed arriving students to wear lab coats.
After all twenty-four students of my class settled in, Ms. Hall started the lesson. She explained some basic laboratory rules and told us where to discard our materials after finishing our experiments. After explaining how to use some equipment, she let us start our work for the day.
Today I had to perform the first lab in my textbook which gave me a great practice of doing measurements, micropipetting, and sterile techniques with the equipment available in the laboratory.
Next, I had to perform a experiment from my Supplemental Protocols For Techniques in DNA-Based Biotechnology, which is a booklet containing experiments from sources other than my textbook. While performing Protocol 1, which examines the properties of DNA, I had to form an ethanol precipitation of double stranded DNA, an ethanol precipitation of heat treated DNA, and an ethanol precipitation of DNAse treated DNA. Although I worked at a slower pace than others, I finished my work by the end of class.
Working in a professional lab was very interesting. I used equipment which I had never heard of or used before, such as digital micropipettors, a centrifuge, and the Bunsen burner. I even worked with DNA solution, ethanol, and DNAse enzyme. It was a new and fun experience. Although I am somewhat nervous, I am thrilled to do more experiments and work in the lab.
When I came outside of the Bio Medical Center, I saw that it had just rained. My weather predictions were proven correct.
At 2:00 PM I went to the Study, Sleep, Socialize: Let's Make the Triangle Possible workshop. I got some helpful tips for managing my time and setting my priorities. After that, I went to the Because Money Doesn't Grow on Trees activity in which I learned a lot about FAFSA, student loans, and ways to save and earn money.
Later I returned to my dorm to work and soon had dinner with my friends and my RA.
A few hours later, the sky was pouring rain like crazy. However, in all the weather remained beautiful and I hope it remains a little cool.
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