Today I woke up at 7:00. It was the rain that had woken me. I quickly got out of bed and got ready to meet up with Diana, Esme, and Cindy. We waited for Gabi to get ready but it turned out that she wasn't going to join us. We were all starving so we left to The Ratty.
For breakfast, I ate eggs and bacon. I had to eat quickly, because we didn't want to go late to class. As we walked to class, I thought about what we would be doing today in class.
Today in class, we had to observe articles, pictures, and magazines. Most of the content depicted was sexist or objectifying. There was a magazine picture promoting a men's cologne conveying a pair of legs with heels on top of a man. You couldn't see the picture of the woman however the main focus was on the man's face almost as if only the man was worthy of the attention. The woman was just for decoration.
We had to write down our thoughts on post-it notes and after we had to write down our reactions to the thoughts. We had a group discussion soon after. It was interesting to hear the thoughts and reactions of the other girls in my class.

Walking back to the CIT building we decided to hang at the tables. Mahi, Esme, Diana, and I had an intriguing conversation about ghosts, dreams, and monsters. Soon after, we were conversing about scary experiences that had occurred to us.
Diana and Esme taking a short break
We also had a workshop today. I attended the Transition to College one. It was completely useless. I was told what I already knew about college. I could've used those two precious hours to work on my Action Plan.
I walked to Perkins with Mahi. I have to say we were pretty upset that the workshop consumed our time. Once there, I started right away on my Action Plan.
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