Friday, July 17, 2015

On to a New Adventure

Tomorrow I will be in Providence, Rhode Island. I do not know what to feel. I am so excited yet anxious. This will be my first time traveling without my parents which is a little intimidating. I have been packing for days, making sure I am not missing one single thing. Don's checklist really came in handy. 
Of course I could not forget my pillow pet unicorn. 
I know this trip will be a great learning experience and I feel like I am ready for whatever is coming my way. I am looking forward to meeting a lot of girls from other countries and other parts of the United States in the course that I will be taking, Women and Leadership. 
I cannot wait to meet my roommate and share interests, our background, and culture. I am excited for all the activities and events there will be at Brown University. It will give time for the girls and I to bond. 
In a couple of hours Ms. Neal, the girls, and I will be in Rhode Island. I couldn't be any more excited!

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