Monday, June 1, 2015

The ILC's Orientation

Once again, I was terrified that I was going to arrive tardy. I had to stay at school for more time than I intended to because I needed help with my Algebra 2 homework. When I got home, my parents were just frustrating me. They didn't understand that I had to be there on time. They were taking their time and even sat down to eat dinner! Can you imagine how irritated I was?!

Anyways, on the way to Pinole Middle School, I attempted to look up the directions on  my phone. It was a disaster. My phone decided that I didn't need the directions.  My anxiety was making itself known. Within those dreading minutes, I finally made it to Pinole Middle School. Where I was greeted by Don.

I was immensely relieved as to my punctual arrival. I arrived at about 5: 40. Surprisingly, there was barely any ILCers. I waited patiently with my dad at the tables.  Later, when they started coming in, I started to panic when I saw everyone bring in a notebook and a pen. Were we supposed to bring that? I thought nervously to myself. Fortunately, we did not have to bring anything.

Don went over everything that we needed to know. He reviewed the itinerary and the departure dates were reviewed by my chaperone. All which got me even more excited. I really can't wait. The day is almost here.
Some of the items we'll need for our trip

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