Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Dinner in The City

Anxiously I hurried my mom so we would not be late to the BART station. Happily we were the first ones to arrive there. There, I had the chance to meet all 6 of the girls who will be attending the Women and Leadership program at Brown and Komal who will be attending the DNA course and their parents.  On our way to San Francisco I sat with Wendy and Tiffani who I later found out she was going to be our chaperon for the trip. Tiffani talked to us about putting ourselves out there and how important it is to interact with new people. She got me way more excited for the trip and I am really grateful to have such a cool chaperon.
Alums, Sponsors, and the Brown Cohort
Once we arrived to the restaurant, One Market, we all had the chance to meet the sponsors and alums. They were all very generous and outgoing. Nothing like I expected. Simon Hong mentioned how great the school was and how diverse it is. He really made me want to go to college somewhere far away from home. He also mentioned how important it is to have fun over there while we were at it. While we were all having conversations we ate some delicious mini cheeseburgers and chicken wings.

After we all finished mingling, we sat down. While salads were being passed out, Mahi had a speech. I could not agree any more with what she had to say. She explained what she hopes she will learn at Brown and how thankful she was for everyone who was able to attend the dinner. After her speech, Jonathan Speed gave us a brief understanding of Brown; how many students and all the great things about the school. Don then stood up and asked us if we preferred to go to a college where the professor does not even know us or where we would have a strong bond with the professor and help from them. Right then and there I knew I had to really put in thought into what college I wanted to go to.
While we ate I was able to learn new things from Don and Lauren Brodsky who were sitting in the table I was assigned to. Lauren mentioned all the places around Brown and forms of transportation. Also, how great Brown is and all the freedom they give you. You can choose the classes you would like to take unlike other colleges that you have to take certain classes by force. You can also choose anything you want to major in. In some cases you can make your own major. Don made me really think about what college I should attend and how I should choose it. It is very important I don’t choose a college based on what my friends are choosing or because I want to stay close to home. I have to keep my options open to whatever will be best for me, the financial aid I will receive, and my education. I can honestly say I had a great time sitting with them, Erin and her mother.

Over all I had a great time meeting the students, families, staff, sponsors, and alums. I could not have spent my day any better than meeting such generous people and eating free food. I am really looking forward to everything.

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