This morning I woke up bright and early so that I would have
ample time to prepare for my ten o’clock blogging tutorial with Don. As soon as
I woke up I checked my email to make sure that I had all the necessary items
for the tutorial. Then I mapped directions to the Pinole Library on my phone so
that I would know the route.
At this point I still had an hour left before I needed to
leave so I gave myself some time to relax and eat breakfast. At 9:15 I decided
that it was time to leave so I grabbed my dad and rushed out the door.
Luckily, we arrived early so I had time to double check that
I was in the right place before Don arrived and the Library opened. As soon as
they let us into the doors we found a nice place to sit and began learning
right away.
First we went over some general blogging basics. Then we
made some practice blogs. This was fun for me because I had not had any
experience with blogging before and I enjoyed being able to think creatively.
Don then gave us a lot of helpful tips on using cameras and taking photos. I
learned a lot about the technical side of photography and a lot of helpful
organization and editing tips. Don also showed us some cool pictures that he
had taken which made the whole experience more interesting.
The most fun part was testing out these new picture-taking
skills. We wandered around the library and went outside to see what we could
find to take pictures of. The parking lot was not particularly photogenic but
there were some nice trees that made our pictures more interesting.
Overall the tutorial was extremely beneficial. I learned so
much at the tutorial. I feel much more informed about and prepared for my
summer experience. It was also a lot of fun to meet some of my fellow ILC
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