As usual, the girls, our chaperone, and I met up early in the morning. I really wanted to sleep in, because it is not every day that I get to enjoy a magnificent and heavenly hotel bed. My hotel bed made it challenging to get up. I did make it downstairs on time, however.
To start off the day we ate breakfast at Au Bon Pain. I ordered a BLT sandwich and a Berry Sensation smoothie. There were many pastries on display that looked delicious, but I wasn't in the mood for something sweet. As soon as everyone had sat down with their breakfast, we took advantage of this opportunity to relax for a bit before arriving at Harvard.
As we were making our way to Harvard, I didn't really think about it. I didn't know what to expect of Harvard. Before this trip, I had no idea what Harvard University actually looked like in real life. I had seen numerous pictures on Google, but I had never been to the campus itself. My friends and I had dreamily spoken about attending Harvard on multiple occasions. After this visit, it didn't feel like a dream anymore.
It all began when I was greeted with an unusually elegant scenario of chandeliers. I was awestruck. The room was dark but illuminated by the dazzling chandeliers. I also got to meet Roger Banks, who was the Director of Recruitment at Harvard Admissions. Soon after, I got to meet our tourist guides for the day who were Kalen Cobb '18, William Oh '18, and Cesar Villavicencio '18. They were all very kind and informative. Cesar in particular notified us as to some traditions that Harvard has. He also informed us as to Freshman life and the useful student resources that Harvard provides.

When we arrived at our hotel, we were relieved that we were finally "home" and that we were going to have dinner and finally rest. I ordered an eggplant flat bread which was delicious. By the end of the dinner, I was so full and exhausted so I decided to head back to my room and rest some more.
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